PCaSO Updates Newsletter 73 has now been published and in summary:
This issue no. 73 is digital only.
PCaSO goes forward under a new Chairman in Brian Holden. Former chairman Roger Bacon remains as a Trustee and as a member of the Executive and Sussex Branch committees. The PCaSO PSA testing teams, ably led by Peter Weir and Roger Bacon, have been active in Hampshire and Sussex. We include Statistics for 2022 and previous years, on page 5.
We include two new patient stories, from Andrew Somerville (pages 7 and 8) and Rob Stanley (page 13). An update from Mark Giddings describes his recent prostate cancer recurrence and subsequent treatment dilemma (pages 16 and 17). Thanks to all three for sharing.
On page 9 an article by Lance Allen on lobbying for National Screening. (It is also noted the EU agreed on 9th December 2022 to ….evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of organised prostate cancer screening for men, on the basis of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing in combination with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning as follow-up…..).
On the back page there is a HIFU addition to Videos, a list of PSA Testing Events for the first half of this year and, face-to-face Group meeting for Eastbourne and Otterbourne. Try not to miss the Zoom talk by Prof. Chris Parker on 2nd March 2023, details on back page.
Tony Ball
Updates 73 can be viewed/downloaded here