
Contact PCaSO

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    PCaSO Contact Details

    Executive Committee
    and Trustees

    Chairman: Brian Holden – 07879 903407
    Hon. Secretary: Lance Allen – 07842 486689
    Hon. Treasurer: Kevin Simons – 01342 311362
    Roger Bacon
    Tim Bonner
    Allan Higgin
    John Keane
    Derek Pilling
    Barry Taylor
    Peter Weir

    Dorset Branch Committee

    Interim Chair: Allan Higgin – 01202 691710
    Interim Treasurer: Barry Taylor – 01202 696107
    Secretary: Vacant
    Brian Deacon (fundraising) – 01202 487708
    Derek Pilling (website)
    Catherine Woolford (speakers)

    Hampshire Branch Committee

    Interim Chair:  Peter Weir – 01489 892168
    Treasurer: Peter Johnson – 01730 260390
    Secretary: Peter Strickland –
    John Bassford – 07971 134847
    John Keane – 07557 351113
    Tim Bonner – 07818 428527
    Paul Bowler
    Paul Mantell

    Sussex Branch Committee

    Chairman: Brian Holden – 07879 903407
    Treasurer: Brenda Pearson-Woodd – 07989 804869
    Secretary: Lance Allen – 07842 486689
    Roger Bacon
    Rob Stanley

    Updates Newsletter

    Editor: Paul Bowler 07917 333368
    Distribution: By email to PCaSO members