PCaSO’s PSA testing event at Burgess Hill, in conjunction with the local Lions Club on 8 October attracted over 1,000 men for testing – an all time record for PCaSO. The local ITV Meridian News sent a reporter, and his report was broadcast at 5.15pm on the same day. The item is transcribed below.

Newsreader: Now, men can be reluctant to seek medical advice but a prostate cancer screening event has been overwhelmed by visitors today. More than 1,000 people signed up for a blood test at the Triangle Leisure Centre, breaking the stigma around men coming forward and getting checked. Joe Cotton reports.

Reporter: Around one thousand men a week around the UK are told they have prostate cancer, but early diagnosis is key. That’s why the Burgess Hill & District Lions Club have organised free tests, with the help of the Prostate Cancer Support Organisation, for men aged 40 to 80 across Sussex.

Lions (local) Chairman: Ladies have the advantage, they are encouraged to go, almost made to go and have their mammograms and cervical smears, but men are not, and this is a killer as much as those other cancers.

Man 1: My dad’s just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He’s on [cancer] drugs and he’s getting better because he’s on hormone treatment and the rest of it. I’ve got to do this haven’t I?

Man 2: I’ve got to take the opportunity every time, best to be safe than sorry.

Reporter: Even though the test has its limitations, organisers are calling on their MP to take their campaign for a national screening programme to Parliament.

MP Mims Davies: I’ll be lobbying the minute I get out of the car and I’ll be absolutely going talking to health ministers as it’s really important that mens’ health gets checked and I absolutely see their argument.

Reporter: Out of the 1,000 or so men that have come here today around 100 of them will need to be referred to a GP for further tests and around a third of those will need further treatment. That’s potentially 33 lives saved from prostate cancer today, a whole lot of time won back, from giving just 15 minutes of your Saturday morning.
