The brand new revised, updated and reformatted,October 2024 edition of Knowledge Empowers is here. This booklet, all about prostate cancer, is aimed at men who have just been diagnosed and those further down the treatment trail. It aims to explain aspects of prostate cancer from the patient’s point of view.
Since the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer is changing quickly we try to update this every two years. Some hospitals distribute this to their newly diagnosed patients.
This 64 page publication from PCaSO, a companion booklet to our Knowledge Empowers prostate cancer information booket, emphasises and explains how a healthy lifestyle can be so important for our general health and may also reduce our risk of cancer.
Sections 1, 2 and 3 are suitable for any adult to read or dip into and particularly so for men having a precautionary PSA blood test. For men affected by prostate cancer, or those curious for more details, we put extra ‘technical stuff’ in Section 4, so if you are undiagnosed skip that section if you wish!
Section 5 includes information on books and online sources for any further reading.
Our newsletter, with updates about PCaSO activities and things that are happening in the wider world of prostate cancer. The latest version, Updates Newsletter 75, is now available from editor Paul Bowler. He would welcomes feedback or ideas for new articles for the next edition: send him an email –
You Are Not Alone
Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer?
We Can Help
An A4 folded leaflet about PCaSO and how we can help with information about, and Support for those diagnosed with, Prostate Cancer.
This is produced for hospitals to give out to patients at diagnosis.
The PSA Test
An A4 folded leaflet aimed at men about to have a PSA test, it explains the test, the pros and cons of having it and what the results mean.
PCaSO use it at all our testing events.
Don’t Get Caught Out
An A4 folded leaflet designed to raise awareness of prostate cancer by giving very basic information. It is designed to be handed out at collections outside supermarkets and similar events.
Man in your Life
An A4 folded leaflet aimed at women to help them understand the basics of prostate cancer and to counter the male trend of ignoring symptoms. Designed to be handed out at collections outside supermarkets and similar events. Provided by TACKLE, the National Organisation of Prostate Cancer Support Groups
PSA Record Card
The PSA test is most useful when doctors can see how it has changed over time. Keep a record of your test results on this card.